Tuesday, August 1, 2017

That may be you or me

  1.                                         That may be you or me

When a child is brought up to this world, there arise unlimited aspiration and dreams of parents along with him. Parents turn to him with hopeful eyes and they start to build castles in the sir. In the shade of parents love and care he starts acknowledging himself and there starts a long work of fulfilling his parent's dreams.
From his early childhood he was only taught to pluck up the flowers but his parents forgot to remind him to aware of thorns. We too know life is not only the bed of roses but we should also walk through bed of thorns. But he has only shown way to success. The only way to success under his parents love and care his life was so joyous and happy but as soon as he participated in this competitive world he could feel the real taste of life both bitterness and sweetness. Unfortunately his failure in one field discourages him and he could not overcome his grieves and pains. As long as the days, months and years pass his mind was washed away and started to get confused about his arms. He was lost in his mystic and along with these friends.
Now a day when I see him I find his enthusiasms appalling. He seems like the idol of heap dreams. But oh! Boy! I'm sorry to say his dreams are no move his strengths but burden for him. His aspirations are no longer existed but are lost in the way. I have pity for his parents. I pressurize my brain even after being potential how could be forget his parent's dream. How could be deader his self-confidence in vain! Where was his self-supportive attitude last?
In the second thought I'm forced to think whether I or you are the same characters.

       Guess……That may be you or me…..

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